Monday, July 6, 2015

Day #7

Hello and Happy Monday!!!

Today is my Day #7 doing my cobbled together 21 day fix.  I am a bit down because my notebook with my goals, recipes and measurements has disappeared.  Hopefully it turns up because I have needed it daily to reference!!

So, what have I learned?  Quite a bit and not even the things I would have expected!!!

  1. pictures are powerful!  I took a risk and took a few before pics and posted them in the Secret FB Accountability Group I am in.  That was hard.  I mean H-A-R-D.  I don't know these people.  Pics last forever.  I am  half naked and man I don't like what I see.  All of that created some crazy strong motivation and true accountability.  I can't imagine posting my weekly numbers and having to confess I GAINED!!
  2. any plan on paper is WONDERFUL but will not happen exactly and that is ok.  My plan went out the window for numerous things - family in town, no time to prep/grocery shop, i didn't like the recipes or they didn't make me feel full, and much more,  BUT I had the plan to reference to change on the spur of the moment!!
  3. Our fearless leader & accountability coach, Courtney, wrote a post on the 4th saying something along the lines of "be realistic.  this is a holiday and a HUGE one for food and friends and family.  Enjoy it.  Take part.  Just eat better than you did last year.  Don't beat yourself up for the holiday and don't make yourself miserable.  Just make wiser choices than last year."  Guess what!!!  I REALLY DID!!!  With those words rolling around in my head all day, I really made better choices and I really didn't feel guilty!!!
  4. My tastebuds hate Stevia.  *sigh*
  5. I had a 5 day headache.  I have no idea why.  I don't usually get headaches but I got on every day for the first 5 days.  the last 2 days I haven't had one and am thankful.  I still don't know why it arrived and I don't know why it left.  I am thankful it left though.

And now for what we have all been waiting for - the numbers.  Sadly I don't have them next to each other as I can't find my notebook but here is my photo from todays measurements. 

so I lost 3.3 lbs and 3" in my first week.  My goal is 6-10 lbs in the 21 days so I am well on the way!  Today is day 1 of the next 7.  Must keep focused!!!

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